In my last post, I mentioned that Terry's been acting indifferent with me. He hasn't been giving me the attention I wanted or am accustomed to getting and he was barely trying to see me. So yesterday I was having lunch with him and I mentioned to him that I felt like he wasn't interested in seeing me. Before I could even finish that statement, he said "this again. I bet I know what you're going to say." After I said my peace, Terry said that he hasn't been feeling well and it has nothing to do with me. We continued eating and talking. So once we get in the car, I ask Terry if he's seeing someone else. He laughed, stopped the car and said "no I'm not seeing anyone else. I'm old, my body hurts and don't really feel like doing anything. I just feel like being alone." I couldn't even imagine not wanting to spend time with me. I'm super fun to be around!
I asked him if he's been feeling a little depressed and he said yes. He also said that he knows the way he's been feeling has been hard for other people, since he wasn't available and/or interested in seeing them. Now I know that when I first met Terry he was taking some pills to deal with depression. He said that there were days when he felt so blue and that the pills helped eliminate that. A while back he had told me that he stopped taking them because he felt like he didn't need them. So it looks like he might need to get back on them.
Now I want to be supportive but honestly I have no idea how to do that. So I'm open to suggestion if you have any. Also what about my needs? I mean, I all for helping Terry feel better but where does that leave me? And ultimately I'm most concerned about that. This also means that I'm probably not going to get any sexual attention for a while. Which totally sucks considering that I've now reached a month with no action from Terry. WTF?! Am I supposed to just accept this or is there some kind of way I can get my needs met without seeming needy?
On a completely unrelated note, I just was wasting some time on Facebook and happened to look up an old girlfriend. This week I've spoken to three people I went to high school with and it made start wondering about people I used to date. And I mean actually date, not just hooked up with. So I look up her name and she's the second one on the list. In her picture, she's holding a small baby like it might be hers. Are you kidding me? If there's anyone who shouldn't be a parent it's this woman.
I looked up my all-time favorite boyfriend as well. I saw a picture of someone I thought might have been him but I didn't see anyone I recognized as his friends or family. Now I'll be focused on finding - at least for the next two days.