Thursday, December 18, 2008

Houston, I think we have a problem

Now that Terry is full of joy- maybe it's the season- and we're getting along great, a small problem has come up. For the past two months, we've been having someone extra join us in the bedroom (see T is for Threeway). I wasn't into it and I resisted at every turn. But now that I've done it a few times, I'm starting to like it. And this is where the problem comes in.

When picking the guys who join us, I usually pick someone who is everything that Terry isn't: young, great body, super easy on the eyes and hung like a horse. That's not to say that Terry doesn't have his good qualities. He's mature, has a decent body, sexy gray hair and average length. I could probably do better but he's far from being the worse I could do. But these "special guests" are just a thousand times better than Terry. It's like I finally get to have my cake and eat it too.

I'm not sure how to deal with the fact that I'm starting to enjoy our special guests a little too much. As a person who likes sex, I've enjoyed the act of being with the special guests but right now we have two that I would like to see more often. Both of them come via CL; Matt the grad student and Rob the physical trainer. They have a few similarities: great bodies, great faces and great dicks. My real problem is how do I tell Terry that I want to see these guys again without him getting jealous or feeling hurt?

I know he'd love it if I said I want to see them again- he loves watching me but he's not going to want to see too much excitement on my face. After our first special guest, he confided that he worried that I might be having too much fun. I guess I'll just try to be interested but not too interested.

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